Severe Weather Forecast

Nasa satellite image of Hurricane Katrina.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used to improve weather forecasts, and it has the potential to revolutionize severe weather forecasting in the years to come. Here are some ways that AI is helping news stations with their Severe Weather Forecast: Why weather forecasting is so difficult Weather forecasting is difficult for a number of […]

5 ways AI is changing the way we shoot videos

A full moon is seen in the dark sky on television.

5 ways AI is changing the way we shoot videos, making it easier for people to take better videos with fewer mistakes. I am on shoots all the time with fx-9′s, Komodo‘s and Mini LF‘s and non of them have the technology my Samsung phone does. Camera manufactures have really upped the chip game and […]

Virtual Sets

Back of an LED video wall used for Virtual Production.

Go from the desert to a rainforest to a news set. Virtual sets are changing the game in the media industry.

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