What Is AI and will it take over the world?

An anime character zooming over a city.

AI Robot over New York

What Is AI and will it take over the world? Well, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is generally divided into four main categories. It is based on their capabilities and functions. I will take a look at those functions and what the future looks like.

Reactive Machines

Reactive Machines are the most basic forms of AI systems that can only react to specific situations and cannot form memories or use past experiences to inform future decisions. Examples of reactive machines include Deep Blue, the computer program that defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, and AlphaGo, the AI that defeated the world champion in the game of Go.

Limited Memory

Limited Memory AI systems can use past experiences to inform future decisions, but only in a limited way. They do not have the ability to learn from their experiences and improve over time. Examples of limited memory AI systems include self-driving cars that use sensors to identify and react to their environment.

Theory of Mind

Theory of Mind AI systems have the ability to understand the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs of others, as well as their own. They can use this understanding to predict the behavior of others and make more informed decisions. Theory of mind AI is still largely in the research phase. It has not yet been fully developed.


Self-Aware are the most advanced forms of AI systems that have consciousness and the ability to think and reason like humans. Self-aware AI does not currently exist. It is considered to be purely hypothetical at this point.

Into to the unknown

The world is primarily at the second level of AI, with limited memory systems being the most common. There are also many examples of reactive machines in use today. There has been significant progress in the development of more advanced AI systems, such as those that incorporate theory of mind and self-awareness, they are still in the early stages of development and are not yet widely available.

We know that Artificial intelligence, as it exists today, is not capable of taking over control of humanity. AI has made significant advances in recent years. The programming behind AI is still a tool created and controlled by humans. AI is designed to perform specific tasks and make decisions based on data and algorithms programmed by humans.

Open AI’s former top safety researcher says there’s a ‘10 to 20% chance’ that the tech will take over with many or most ‘humans dead’ in a story at Fortune. However, there is ongoing debate among experts about the potential risks posed by advanced AI systems in the future. Some experts have raised concerns that if AI systems become sophisticated enough. They could pose a threat to humanity if they are not properly designed and controlled. This is known as the “AI alignment problem”. It is an active area of research in the field of AI safety.

AI does have risks

The New York Post has an interesting story saying, Some of these risks include overoptimization, weaponization, and ecological collapse, according to Ben Nye, the Director of Learning Sciences at the University of Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies (USC-ICT).

“If the AI is explicitly designed to kill or destabilize nations…accidental or test releases of a weaponized, viral AI could easily be one of the next significant Manhattan Project scenarios,” he stated on Metafact.

“We are already seeing smarter virus-based attacks by state-sponsored actors, which is most assuredly how this starts,” Nye added.

Along for the ride

I hope that humanity can use AI to become smarter and a better version of ourselves. If history has taught us anything though, it might be a bumpy ride. What ever train we are on we might as well enjoy the ride. It’s not like we haven’t worried about other things taking over the world before. For now, I will enjoy the ability of AI to help make our lives better. Learn more about AI here.

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